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BASTION Style: 76690
EN ISO 20345:2011 [S4]
BASTION Style: 70557
EN ISO 20345:2011 [S4]
EN ISO 20345:2011 (S4)
EN ISO 20345:2011 (S4)
GUARDIAN S4 SRC Style: 2017B
EN ISO 20345:2011 [S4 SRC FO]

Each pair from this selection is crafted to meet the practical demands of heavy-duty workspaces while also catering to a sense of modern style. Durable materials are meticulously chosen to withstand daily exposure to water and other potential workplace hazards. The Wellingtons are not only built to offer protection but also to deliver all-day comfort, enabling you to focus on the task at hand.

Functionality comes hand in hand with thoughtful design, as you'll find Wellingtons equipped with features like reinforced toes, cushioned insoles, and supportive structures. What's more, with a variety of sizes and subtle aesthetic touches, these Wellingtons are as much a statement of professionalism as they are a safeguard against on-the-job accidents.

Explore our collection, understanding that every step taken in these Wellingtons is a move towards a safer and more stable working day. Whether facing rain-soaked grounds or unpredictable terrains, trust in footwear that's been engineered to keep you upright and moving with confidence.

Stepping into challenging environments where surfaces can be perilously slippery, it's imperative to have footwear that offers unparalleled grip without compromising on comfort or style. Our range of Wellingtons for women provides exactly that assurance. Designed with a focus on practicality, these Wellingtons integrate the latest in slip-resistant technology, ensuring a secure foothold in the wettest and slickest of conditions.

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