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BARRA WHITE Style: 72504
EN ISO 20345:2022 [S3L FO SR]
GUARDIAN S4 SRC Style: 2017B
EN ISO 20345:2011 [S4 SRC FO]
STRATTON III O2 WR & SRC Style: 64666C
EN ISO 20347:2012
COLLY BLACK Style: 75659
EN ISO 20345:2011
Crafted with precision, our array of slip-resistant shoes offers the perfect balance of safety and style for women working in hospitality and food production environments. Each pair is designed to navigate the challenges of slippery surfaces, providing unmatched grip that stands up to the busiest shifts. Recognised for their durability and comfort, these shoes are engineered to support your every move, whether in the kitchen, the dining area, or during food production tasks. Understanding the importance of a reliable work shoe, we ensure that our offerings fuse practicality with a clean, professional aesthetic, suitable for various roles within the industry. Our customers can choose from an expansive selection of styles, including the latest athletic designs, sleek casual choices, and sturdy safety options that accommodate the specific needs of women in the workforce. The innovative sole technology incorporated into each pair guarantees maximum slip-resistance, empowering you to work with confidence and focus. Furthermore, the thoughtful design elements, such as cushioned footbeds and supportive structures, enhance the working experience by providing lasting comfort throughout extended wear periods. Navigate your work environment safely and in style with footwear that's not only known for its legendary grip, but also its ability to blend seamlessly into your professional wardrobe. Discover the range that caters to the unique demands of hospitality and food production staff, with a firm promise to keep your well-being at the forefront.
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